Arabic Letters and Writing Basic introduction
Arabic Letters and Writing Basic introduction Before jumping into the letters and how they're written and connected, a foundation needs to be laid in place. Main Points: Arabic is Written Right to left <--------- Arabic letters change shape slightly depending on their position in the word. The letters you learn on their own are what they look like at the end of the word There is a total of 28 Letters plus some special Characters. 22 Letters can be connected from both sides, while 6 can only be connected from the right. When connecting a letter from the right side the shape doesn't change. only from the left. Arabic letters come in groups, meaning you can see 3 letters that look exactly the same but just have an extra dot above or below. Different dialects may pronounce some of the letters differently compared to the standard. Of course , just giving listing this information may not be enough to understand or imagine everything that's going o...