
The Effects of Confidence on Language learning

  Confidence plays a major role in language learning. In simple terms, the more confident you are the faster you're able to speak in your target language.  Now let's imagine this scenario together. There are 2 different students taking the same Egyptian Arabic class. However, there is a huge difference in confidence between those 2 students. One of them is confident and is not afraid of making the inevitable mistakes when he tries to speak Egyptian Arabic.  It's an inevitable mistake, since there's absolutely no way to avoid mistakes when speaking a new language.  Worrying too much about being made fun of when speaking a new language or seeming silly in front of people shouldn't be on your list of worries at all. On the contrary people mostly would be encouraging and praising you for trying to speak their language. This is very true especially in Egypt. if you try to speak Arabic with Egyptians no matter how simple, they would always complement your efforts and w

How and what to start learning in Egyptian Arabic

How to start teaching yourself before taking a course? here are the first steps for those who don't know how to start or what to do  1- Listen to Songs and watch some short movies and videos while looking at subtitles 2- learn some basic phrases and questions:  ezzayyak(m)? /ezzayyik (f) ? (how are you?)  ana kewayyis, wa enta ezayyak? ( I am good and how are you?) esmak eh? (m) esmik eh? (f) ( what is your name?) ana esmy ......... ( My name is ......) enta 3andak kam sana? (m) / enty 3andik kam sana? (f) (How old are you?) ana 3andy ................. sana (I am .......... years old)  enta/enty mneen? (where are you from?) ana min .............. ( I am from ..........) enta btashta8al eh? ( what do you do?) ana mudarris ( I am a teacher) enta safirt abl kda? ( have you travelled before?) aywa ana safirt abl kda ( Yes, I travelled before) la2, ana msafirtsh abl kda ( No, I didn't travel before) hewayatak eh? ( what are your hobbies?) hewayaty el safar wa el 3oom ( my hobbies ar

if you're about to give up on your target language, read this!

Before quitting always take a step back and think for a moment. Ask yourself a couple of questions. Question 1: Why am I doing this in the first place?  Basically what you're trying to do here is rekindle your motivation.  Question 2: Will I come to regret my decision later on once I'm more calm? The answer will most definitely be Yes. Since almost all of us think "if I had just held one for a little longer, I would've been this and that by now".  Time goes by so fast, so don't put yourself in that situation. If someone isn't working well for you then try a different method or approach.  Some people like to learn from books, if that doesn't work for you then try videos or shows. Just keep searching for a method that you enjoy and it'll be a great advantage, instead of completely quitting. Mimo

Arabic Letters and Writing Basic introduction

 Arabic Letters and Writing Basic introduction  Before jumping into the letters and how they're written and connected, a foundation needs to be laid in place.  Main Points: Arabic is Written Right to left  <--------- Arabic letters change shape slightly depending on their position in the word. The letters you learn on their own are what they look like at the end of the word There is a total of 28 Letters plus some special Characters.  22 Letters can be connected from both sides, while 6 can only be connected from the right. When connecting a letter from the right side the shape doesn't change. only from the left. Arabic letters come in groups, meaning you can see 3 letters that look exactly the same but just have an extra dot above or below.  Different dialects may pronounce some of the letters differently compared to the standard.  Of course , just giving listing this information may not be enough to understand or imagine everything that's going on here. So, let's

Egyptian Arabic Nouns الاسماء

 Welcome, أهلا وسهلا  When it comes to nouns, especially human nouns. Such as jobs titles, there are different genders of those nouns (Masculine, feminine and Plural). Because a " teacher " could be either a man or a woman.   A similar example to this in English would be “actor and actress”, this applies to all human nouns in Arabic. Muhandis/a Engineer مهندس/مهندسة Mudarris/a Teacher مدرس/مدرسة Talib/taliba Student طالب/طالبة Now, let's make some examples to see how the pronouns and nouns work together: - I am a teacher ( male speaking) / ana Mudarris / أنا مدرس  - I am a teacher ( female speaking) / ana Mudarrisa / أنا مدرسة  - You are a teacher ( addressing female) / Enty Mudarrisa / إنتي مدرسة  - You are a teacher ( addressing male) / Enta Mudarris / أنت مدرس  - You are teachers ( addressing plural) / Ento Mudarriseen / انتوا مدرسين  You must be wondering where is "am, i

Egyptian Arabic Pronouns الضمائر المصرية

  Welcome, أهلا وسهلا   Starting a language with the pronouns is always a good idea and it's an even better idea if you just focus on "I and You". Since they are the most commonly used when speaking. You always talk about yourself and your actions as well as addressing people directly.  Now , when it comes to Arabic. it can be a little bit more detailed. Arabic is gender based. So, speaking to a male is slightly different than speaking to a female. also speaking to a group has its own pronoun.  Let's take a look at Egyptian Arabic pronouns: Ana I أنا Enta You (male) انت Enty You (female) إنتي Ento You (plural) إنتوا Howwa He هو Heyya She هي E7na We إحنا Homma They هما Now, if you take a look at Egyptian pronouns, you'l

What to expect when learning a new language to feel actual progress

Congratulations, you've decided to embark on one of the longest and most exciting trips that you'll ever have. Learning a language is literally constructing a bridge to a new country, culture, food, traditions and so much more. You're forming a new personality for yourself when you learn a new language.  Now to the main question. What should I do? to improve quickly and communicate faster. Discipline: You can take all the courses in the world while being the smartest one ever and still achieve almost nothing if you don't put in consistent effort.  First thing is you need to set aside at least 20 minutes daily to the language you're learning. What should you do in those 20 minutes? Well that's up to you, everyone studies differently but here are some suggestions: - read out loud all the new words you added to your notes ( would be better if you could record yourself and compare it to a native speaker) - Write sentences using the new words or grammar that you add